
Welcome Gina to HIKE for Mental Health! — 15 Comments

  1. Outstanding! As a retired Army veteran with PTSD and childhood trauma I look forward to reading your work.

  2. Hi Gina,

    I have struggled with mental health my entire adult life and would love to go or volunteer in anyway for anything related to mental health. I live in Bergen County New Jersey.

    Could you help me make some connections for volunteer work for Mental Health?

    Sincerely, Linda

    • Thank you Linda. I will be using comments and questions to help generate articles and resources. I hope you and our readers find them useful.

  3. Welcome Gina
    Thank you for what you do to eliminate the stigma and promote well being for individuals with a mental health problem.
    My loved one has a mental illness and hiking in the Sierra Nevada’s and being outdoorsy helped him towards his healing and still does.
    I wish hiking opportunities were posted more for individuals who have mental illness could join in across the nation. Unfortunately the criteria with a lot of national groups and local groups isn’t fair because as sooon as they review the medical information…he is rejected from participating. I have to hire guides to take hikes with him in the high altitudes mountains which is very expensive. He loves to back pack but it is not safe to hike alone. Finding groups to go back pacing with is difficult. Can you help?

    • Thank you Diane. I will be using comments to help generate articles and resources to share. I hope they will be useful to you and others.

  4. Gina- I am so proud of you. You have lived a life to serve and help others. Thank you for all you do for the good of all humans !!

  5. Gina, your love of service, helping others and the great outdoors is a perfect match. I wish you well on this new journey and I know so many people including me will benefit from your work here.

  6. Hi Gina, I am so proud of you. You never stop helping people. You devote so much of your time to make people realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  7. Gina: I am incredibly proud of you, not just as a daughter, but as a compassionate advocate for mental health. Combining your passions for psychology and hiking to help others is truly inspiring. Your commitment to promoting mental wellness through hiking will make a profound difference in people’s lives, and I couldn’t be prouder of the remarkable person you’ve become.


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