
This path can never grow old – Tom’s account of hiking with Chipmunk — 7 Comments

  1. Hey Tom,

    Great post, I so enjoyed reading about your time with Chipmunck. This is definitely an amazing family to follow and emulate!

    I too had heard about Chipmunk through the Mountain Crossings FB page posting and right away I was in awe of her having the desire to thru hike at such a young age. I was also encouraged to see that her parents have raised such a confident, determined young girl and at 14 were willing to support her in her dreams and not hold back due to any fears they might have had at the time. I decided after reading the FB post that I was going to pray for Chipmunk’s safety and health and that she would accomplish her dream of summiting Katahdin and becoming the youngest solo hiker. Little did I know I would run into them in Awol’s booth at Trail Days and have the chane to hug them in person and let them know I had been praying for them. I only got to converse with them for such a short time, but even that was enough to know they were special people. I was sure to let Chipmunk know that I thought she was pretty amazing kid and that she had the coolest parents ever by supporting her dream! Tammy gave me her blogsite and I’ve been following their adventure ever since. They are an amazing family and I feel blessed to have met them and to be able to follow their journey along the AT through Mama Chip’s blog. Can’t wait to see the summit pics!

  2. Tom, you are too kind! Chipmunk truly enjoyed hiking with you and with Wendy, Mona and Doug, too. We truly appreciate what your organization is doing and we are proud of Chipmunk for wanting to lend a voice to the teenage view of mental health. Thanks again for being a special part of Chipmunk’s adventure.

    • Thank you Karen, It truly was a magical time hiking with her. She is a wonderful kid and now a good friend of mine.

      Tom Kennedy

  3. Loved reading your story about Chipmunk, I will be following her story. When I get the chance to do my dream of thru hiking the AT I will remember her and use that as inspiration for me. By the way if there is any chance you can visit and share my page I will greatly appreciate it. Here is the link to my page and story.

    gofundme. com/randodiaz

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